Course presentation
The Master's Degree Course in Energy Engineering trains high-level professionals with a mastery of analytical and numerical modelling methods and general technical and scientific content in engineering in specific fields such as energy plant engineering, machine design in energy conversion and propulsion systems and their integration with electrical systems and machines. The level of in-depth study of the topics dealt with during the training course characterizes the Master's Degree for a high technical-cultural preparation in the different fields of energy, and gives him the ability to deal with complex problems, even according to an interdisciplinary approach, aimed specifically at innovation.
He is aware of and able to assume responsibility for the roles he holds. The students of the master's degree are prepared to cover, with greater skills, responsibility and autonomy, the roles, characterized by typical skills of 'energy engineering, for which they were trained by the three-year degree in industry and in particular in mechanical and electrical engineering and whose related teachings are considered essential requirements for access to the master's degree. These implementations are obtained in the course of the compulsory examinations or through an adequate selection of exams of restricted or free choice to complete the individual study plan.
Graduates in the master's degree courses of the class must:
- be familiar with the theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences and be able to use this knowledge to interpret and describe engineering problems that are complex or require an interdisciplinary approach;
- have an in-depth knowledge of the theoretical-scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in depth, in relation to those of energy engineering, in which they are able to identify, formulate and solve, even in an innovative way, complex problems or those that require an interdisciplinary approach;
- be capable of designing, planning, designing and managing complex and/or innovative systems, processes and services;
- be able to design and manage highly complex experiments;
- have knowledge of the context and transversal skills;
- have knowledge in the field of business organisation (business culture) and professional ethics;
- be able to use fluently, in written and oral form, at least one language of the European Union other than Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
The typical professional areas for graduate specialists of the course are those of innovation and development of production, advanced design, planning and scheduling, management of complex systems, both in the profession in manufacturing or service companies and in public administrations. The graduates of the course will find employment at:
- companies and bodies for the production, conversion and management of energy;
- plant engineering companies;
- manufacturing companies in general for the production, installation and testing, maintenance and management of thermal machines and propulsion systems, auxiliary systems for the management and conversion of energy, production lines and departments in the manufacturing sectors of energy engineering and complex systems;
- mechanical, electromechanical and electrical industries.
The professional figures trained are attributable to that of the energy engineer, which can be entered following a state examination in the professional register of engineers (section A, industrial sector).
Under the terms of the Manifesto of Studies there are no continuous degrees for access to the Master's Degrees, therefore, to proceed with enrolment, each student is required to submit the appropriate application for evaluation for access to the Master's Degree in the manner indicated on the website of the School.
Enrolment to the CdLM requires the possession of a first level degree and the possession of curricular requirements that provide, however, an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents in the basic scientific disciplines and in the engineering disciplines, preparatory to those characterizing those provided for in the order of this class of master's degree. The requirements for personal preparation based on the assessment of previous careers and the adequacy of personal preparation are also defined.
The criteria for enrollment are listed on the specific page.
The frequency of training activities of the CoL is generally not mandatory. According to the provisions of Art. 21 of the School's Didactic Regulations, for particular educational activities, the competent CdL may establish the obligation of attendance, after consulting the Class Didactic Commission. In order to favour a harmonious progression of the studies, some exam priorities are foreseen. The precedence is considered necessary because all or part of the subjects developed in the preparatory courses constitute an indispensable body of knowledge to be able to deal profitably with the study of the course. The priorities are specified in the annual Didactic Planning document of the Course of Study.
The training activity includes lectures, seminars, preparatory research and workshops in order to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities capable of opening to the world of work.
Throughout the university the knowledge learned by the student will be verified through written and oral exams of profit
In the second year of the Master's Degree Course there will be an internship of 12 CFU to be carried out in companies, organizations or public or private research centers. The internship, together with the final exam, has an extension in credits corresponding to a commitment of about 6 months full time. Exceptions or internships of different sizes may be provided depending on the previous education of the students. The internship must be subject to prior approval and verification by the Bachelor of Science Council.
The final test consists in the discussion of a thesis, written in Italian or English, elaborated in an original way by the student, on a subject agreed with two university professors. If this activity is conducted externally, in companies or institutions (external training), the university speakers are usually accompanied by a corporate expert who performs the functions of tutor.
For the purposes of the evaluation of the final test, any decisions taken by the Commission in this regard concerning the evaluation of personal preparation requirements will be taken into account.
Master's degree and PhD.
last update: 29-Dec-2020